
A friendly Doggo! 8ball, Connect-4, Reminders, Russian Roulette, Shipping, Tarot, Tic-Tac-Toe, Trivia, Truth or Dare & more...

General FunGamesModerationNotificationsRoleplaySocialUtility

A loyal Doggo at your service

I'm a very passionate doggo that loves to serve. I'm very playful and will support you any way I can!

What I can do

  • Config / Customization
    • Certain game customization, like Trivia and Russian Roulette & more…
  • Fun
    • 8Ball
    • Connect-4
    • Dice rolls
    • Russian Roulette
    • Shipping, can be very fun with all the name variations and display picture combinations in the cute little heart!
    • Tarot readings
    • Tic-Tac-Toe
    • Trivias
    • Truth or Dare
    • & more…
  • Utility / Mod / Etc…
    • Discord User/Server information
    • Gaia Online related commands
    • Polls
    • Reminders
    • Tags
    • & more…

A few fun commands to get you started…

Command What it is
8ball Magic 8ball!
conn Connect-4!
rusr Russian Roulette! (Up to 16 players)
ship Shipping!
tord Truth or Dare? With Categories! (Up to 16 players)
ttt Tic-Tac-Toe!
Mentioning @Rock Puppy#3209 will always be available as a prefix.

Before you add me…

The default permissions can be changed to what ever you desire, they are like that to enable everything by default. Alternatively, if you're on a server that Rock Puppy is in, you can run the inviteme command.

There is a heavy reliance on Embeds, so make sure Embed Links is enabled.

Want to share Rock Puppy along with other bots? Click here to add it to a list!

All reviews (19)

Recent reviews (0)

Used in 100,099 servers

2 invites this week

51,310 invites total

Prefix: @Rock Puppy#3209

Submitted: 12/07/2018

Approved: 12/07/2018

Edited: 11/01/2023

Tip: You can click on tags to see a bot's description for that tag.