
Powerful Multipurpose Music Bot for Discord. High Quality Music, Moderation, and Utilities

General AnimeMusicUtilityModeration


Ayana is a powerful discord bot with a lot of features. And more beign developed all the time.

  • 99.99% Uptime 24/7/365
  • Active Development, More features added frequently.
  • Multilingual (server and user specific language settings)
  • Users loved Music Player (YouTube with search, SoundCloud, Twitch, Clyp,, playlists).
  • Advanced permission system, putting you in control.
  • Server, Channel, Role, and User info.
  • Greeting, Farewell Announcements.
  • Action log
  • Powerful Message Pruning.
  • Cute cats and dogs.
  • Fun commands lewd, waa, pout, lenny, shrug, bigtext.
  • Easy Moderation, ban, kick, softban, hackban.
  • Powerful Role management
  • AutoRole on join
  • Self Assignable Roles with groups
  • Simple ModLogs

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Staff Pick

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Used in 1,577,144 servers

35 invites this week

377,080 invites total

Prefix: =

Submitted: 07/18/2018

Approved: 07/18/2018

Edited: 07/20/2018

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