
Super easy to use music bot for all your listening needs. Works with no configuration, and doesn't get in the way for when you need to limit access on a larger server. Supports YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, and so much more.

General MusicMultiple Languages


FredBoat is the only music bot you will ever need. Members of your Discord server can listen to music together from a variety of sources such as YouTube. Features include:

  • Plays high-quality music.
  • Shuffling and/or repeating playlists
  • Simple yet effective permission system.
  • Translated to many languages.
  • Custom prefixes.
  • Basically anything else you would expect a music player to be able to do.

For a full list of commands say ;;commands or ;;commands music

Detailed instructions are also available at

This bot is funded via Patreon. All contributions are welcome!

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Staff Pick

All reviews (75)

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520 invites this week

787,989 invites total

Prefix: ;;

Submitted: 04/02/2019

Approved: 04/02/2019

Edited: 04/02/2019

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